Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Further thesis ideas

Alas, I've finished the book and didn't bother keeping thesis logs as I had that spontaneous burst of reading power. So I'll just reflect back on thesis worthy moments. Of course the part with Lucifer is OMG! Or better yet Oh My Lucifer! Having the ultimate traitors in the deepest part of hell seems mildly surprising. We all know Lucifer betrayed God, Judas betrayed Jesus, Brutus and Cassius betrayed Caesar. Lucifer was pretty obvious, betraying God when your supposed to be his good frien...God doesn't have friends, he has angels. Judas betrayed Jesus, who supposedly loved him. But Brutus and Cassius's betrayal of Caesar was interesting... Why them? Wouldn't Cardinals who killed the Pope the become the next Pope be more of a betrayal? Musa said that Dante included these two to show his love for the Romans. (Sorta kinda). So this only reinforces my previous thesis, that Inferno isn't JUST a novel warning us of sinning, but it also maybe the birth of the Renaissance.

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