Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh boy procrastination

I've been procrastinating for the past couple of weeks, but finally here I am,. Better late than never right? Oh god, I hope procrastination isn't a sin.

Anyways, Dante's Inferno. The world renowned epic. Before I even started reading it, I noticed the picture. It's hard to describe, it's a man...but not really a man. His hand's are tied behind him (assumed), and he's in a fetal-ish position. Behind him looks like fire and the veins can be seen in his face. But he looks calm. In pain, but calm. That makes me think, is hell really that bad for people who enjoys that kind of stuff. Like say for example, people who enjoy being tortured. Do they go to hell? Or do they hate it?

1 comment:

  1. according to Dante, the first ring of hell, before limbo, is where people that procrastinated are... people who didn't give everything that their 'intellect' was meant too, detachment of life, who didn't try hard enough.

    According to his description, at least to me, they suffer more than people who have committed the sin of lust.

    I'm also all about procrastination.... but I don't think punishment will happen in hell, punishment happens during life.
