Saturday, January 3, 2009

Some mildly interesting Canto's describing hell

Were mildly interesting...until Canto XII. The Minotaur! The Minotaur was a Greek "evil" beast that was fed Athenian sacrifices. In Inferno, he's the one guarding the wrathful souls. This makes me think, is this some how connected with the Greek myth? Are the souls some how telling us a message about the Athenians? In the views of the Christians, Athenians were the perfect example of souls that belonged in hell. They practice fortune telling, sodomy and many other "sins". As well as the names of people he was assumed to dislike, is the Inferno really just a way for Dante to insult his enemies?

So thesis time; "Dante uses the Inferno the criticize many figures he knew and throughout history."

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